This is one of the best portals ive seen and i have been to this site ALOT! I love it. The song is brilliant. Did the writer do this or did he find it somewhere? IT KICKS ASS!
This is one of the best portals ive seen and i have been to this site ALOT! I love it. The song is brilliant. Did the writer do this or did he find it somewhere? IT KICKS ASS!
hehehe.. COOL
I like this but if it werent for the sound, i would give it a "2" at best. REALLY COOL SOUND THOUGH!
Thats pretty cool. I think a little interacivity is needed in a lot of these movies. For instance, n the movie I am doing at the moment, Fred Durst makes a small and disgusting appearance so i actually made a whole mini-game where you can excert a little vengeance by filling him with bullets and blowing his brains off his skull. Anyway, its a cool film and i will watch the next one if there is one. There are probably two better than this i have seen, XIAOUXIAOU #3 and Genyu's blade teaser. For me, this is third...
if you see this you'll realise how sarcastic I am being! WHAT TOTAL SHIT! LETS ALL GIVE A ZERO AND GET IT OFF THE PORTAL FOREVER!
I reckon that all you New Grounders are total quiers... You herd me... Unless you like my movies of course, then its totally different y'know?
Age 38, Male
Hatch End
Joined on 5/22/01