now... thats.. just... disgusting
Ok boys and girls, do not look at this, it is rated (R) due to the large and clear scene of a man being sucked through his own S-bend into the next door toilet where his ass lets a load off all over the man with the "SUPER PLUNGER". Please go to bed now, and put your cock away Michael from London, its not Sanitary... In all seriousness though, this made me feel quite ill, amusing movie, but suprisingly well animated making it even more animated. And the only clog is in the loading screen, WHAT THE FUCK... lol. Cloggy movie. And in my eyes that means quality television. Good enough to make me Dangfranker my Stink Bowne. He's Cletus the Slackjawed Yocal, Cleetus, Cleetus [everybody now] CLEETUS! (its cleetus folks)